New TV Series 'Beyond the Pandemic' Launches on Tuesday, June 8th
Monday, June 7th 2021 (Hamilton, Bermuda) Beyond the Pandemic is an eye-opening local television series designed to break the silence, reveal true stories, and share solutions that can help us all get beyond the pandemic.
This series is a grassroots initiative embarked upon collectively, by the Emperial Group and a growing group of concerned health professionals from various disciplines, in response to what they were hearing from their clients, coupled with loud cries from the community for more balance, inclusion and objectivity in conversations pertaining to the pandemic.
As a result, the series has been designed to engage a variety of perspectives, share real-life experiences and provide tangible solutions that help address those concerns by providing a viable options that reflect the diversity present in Bermuda and various communities around the world.
Our first series (consisting of ten episodes) features several health professionals who have stepped forward to share their personal and professional experiences with the pandemic, discuss what they have learned over the past 14 months, express their concerns and, most importantly, share recommendations, based on their particular skills and experience, in an effort to empower our people and give them reliable tools they can use to address the numerous challenges we currently face in our country. Details regarding the health professionals involved in the project are listed on www.beyondthepandemic.tv.
After completing the series with Health Professionals, we will be speaking to representatives from the private sector and various entrepreneurs to get a better understanding of what they have experienced during the pandemic and how it has affected us economically as a country. Following that, we also plan to engage with individuals who can share insights on the social impact of the pandemic in an effort to unveil the realities that have emerged in our communities as well.
Ultimately our goal is to help bring balance to conversations about the pandemic, relief to those who feel powerless, and a variety of homegrown solutions that respect our differences and meet our varying needs.
We appreciate everyone who has contributed to making the launch of Beyond the Pandemic possible; we have only just started and we pray that our efforts serve to be a unifying element that inspires positive conversation and the increased collaboration required to help us recover as a country and move forward with each other as one.
Beyond the Pandemic episodes can currently be viewed on www.beyondthepandemic.tv or the Beyond the Pandemic YouTube Channel. Release dates for episodes are all listed on the website and for updates, or impromptu content, you can follow the Beyond the Pandemic social media channels via links on the website as well.
We have been reaching out to all of the major television and internet media outlets in regards to broadcasting the program and for the benefit of members of our community we hope that they agree to air the program as well.
For more information please email info@beyondthepandemic.tv or visit our website www.beyondthepandemic.tv