Keetha Lowe

SERIES 2 | EPISODE 2 | “QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL” | A leading strategist and communications specialist, Keetha Lowe is recognized locally and abroad for her fierce stance on fair and equitable quality of life for all Bermudians.

Reunion II

MEDIA CONFERENCE ON NATURAL IMMUNITY | Ivermectin & Other Treatment Options | Mandatory Hotel Quarantine | Health, Wellness & Boosting Immunity | Government Vaccination Program | Adverse Effects | Informed Consent

Clare Panchaud

SERIES 2 | EPISODE 1 | “NATURALLY SPEAKING” | Clare Panchaud is a Holistic Health Coach and Qualified Aromatherapist who assists her clients in creating a healthy lifestyle through long term habit change.


MEDIA CONFERENCE ON NATURAL IMMUNITY | Ivermectin & Other Treatment Options | Mandatory Hotel Quarantine | Health, Wellness & Boosting Immunity | Government Vaccination Program | Adverse Effects | Informed Consent

Anthony Peets

SERIES 1 | EPISODE 10 | “COGNITIVE DISSONANCE” | Anthony Peets is developing the psyche of young people using an eclectic therapeutic approach in building cognition,

Dr Stillman

SERIES 1 | EPISODE 9 | “AN INSIDE VIEW” | Dr. Leland Stillman | Developing a comprehensive plan to restore and optimize one’s health, using the most scientifically advanced diagnostics and therapeutics available.

Dr Osseyran

SERIES 1 | EPISODE 8 | “WORKING WITH THE EVIDENCE” | Dr. Amne Osseyran | Viewpoint of a key consultant in Bermuda’s effort to contain and treat the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Kuni Frith

SERIES 1 | EPISODE 7 | “INVESTING IN OUR HEALTH” | Dr. Kuni Frith | How we can live healthy lifestyles and use natural herbs and ancient modalities to heal us.

Michael Watson

SERIES 1 | EPISODE 6 | “MIND & BODY ARE ONE” | Michael Watson | Using meditation and focus to achieve optimal healing and autoimmunity.

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